1)visual variations – there are six aspects when it comes to letterforms which are case, weight, contrast, width, posture, and style. There have been several typefaces that have discarded or evolved throughout time. Certain typefaces are associated with certain time periods or movements.
2) form and counter form: the optics of spacing- this is important to show the spacing of letters, sentences, and paragraphs. Every type has a different stroke or space. Letters can be closer or farther together. Letters can also be lighter and darker in color.
3)know what and why: the details – this can be hard for some people because we can be indecisive. This is usually the artist’s gut reaction. People will usually certain typefaces because of their popularity. Some typefaces can have subject matter. I have to choose typefaces that go with the images and other objects.
4) combining type styles: I think this is a great element. This because I think it looks cool and different when you add a bunch of type styles together. I think people would usually use different type styles to show a heading and then the paragraph.
5) assessing character count, leading, and width – this depends on how much you want to fit on one single line. This all depends on the width of the paragraph and the format of the page.
6) the optimal paragraph – when it comes this the creator should pay attention to the text they use. These would be things such as height and weight like the strokes. I think for me I would have to fix spacing and size. I have to make sure the text is not too small or too big.
7) separating paragraphs: There is needs to be breaks so there are sections of texts. It was interesting to read that in the 15th century there was no breaks in text. This can help show break text and show what the next section is going to be about. I learned that the ident should be deeper if the leading is loose.
8) type is visual, too: This element is vital because not only images are important so is text. Text can be color and tell a story.
9) the texture of language: when the text is in different textures it brings elements and make it pop. These examples would be making it bold, the size, and rhythm. The text is visual and make people want to be interested in what they are writing. If I am trying to write a statement and bring out emotion like I am yelling I would change the size of text.
10) establishing hierarchy: I would use this element when it comes to showing captions and sidebars on a poster or webpage. This would help to use when making titles to show its hierarchy. It mostly used to show the focus and importance of a certain section.